

My nephew started speaking since the last time i saw him.
He is currently speaking to me. A lot, making it a little hard to concentrate on writing this on my mom’s freakishly tiny, and frustratingly slow, laptop.
My long leopard print claws aren’t helping the matter either.

So as you can probably guess, i’m in the country side with my family for the holidays.
I’m currently waiting for it to stop raining, so i can take Lucifer for a walk, and possibly take some pictures of cows.
Yup, that’s the country life for you!

My trip started off a little rough, as i had decided it would be a good idea to share about four bottles of wine with my friends, and go to a club, the night before an early morning flight, that i, for obvious reasons, almost missed.
I had every intention of seeing all my Copenhagen friends on the first day before heading to the country side, but due to my, ahem, condition, i ended up spending all of Saturday on my friends couch, feeling and looking like death.
Yes, i know i’m an idiot, but i still say a night out dancing and having fun with good friends is worth being drunk on a plane for!

Here are some more Mexico City favorites, mostly from around Roma and Condesa.
On gray and rainy days like this one, it’s like the body almost doesn’t remember a time where it wasn’t cold outside.

I think about traveling all the time now.
Like, all the damn time.
I rarely make New Years resolutions, but if i did, they would be to trust my instincts more, as they are always right, and to travel as much as possible.
On the top of my 2015 travel wish list you’ll find New York (nope, never been!), Brazil and Peru. And possibly Hong Kong cause it’s been a while, and i didn’t really get to eat that many dumplings last time.

What are you guys’ travel plans for next year, if any?

11 thoughts on “Signs”

  1. Japan is still on the top of my list. But I'd really like to go to Iceland too. No money though so none of it will happen ๐Ÿ™
    You'd love NYC. It's amazing. I've been with my mom when I was 14/15 and I am still talking about those weeks haha

    1. Don't say that, it will happen some day! Maybe not this year, but you never know. And when you do go to Tokyo, let me know so i can send you a huge list of things to do ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Merry Christmas. Love looking at your great photos. We did Europe earlier this year (and another great time in Germany and Denmark). We'll be off to Hawaii in Feb. I want to go to New Orleans one day.

    1. New Orleans is a place i've always wanted to visit too. My parents have been there a few times, and i already know i'd love it.
      Hawaii in February sounds like the best idea ever.
      February in Berlin is kind of the worst haha!

  3. travelling more is the best resolution ever, anytime. i find that nothing broadens your horizons and inspires more, even a few days do. your pictures and blog always make me want to pack my bags!
    i also would love to go to new york, and tokyo. but next year i will be moving to an entirely unknown city (& continent) for 6 months, and i'm excited and terrified at the same time.
    oh, and hi… another longtime-reader here. glad we get to read more of you lately! wish you an awesome christmas!

    1. Oh awesome, having my pictures make someone want to travel is a huge compliment ๐Ÿ™‚
      Where are you moving to? I'd probably be terrified too, but in a good way.

      Merry Christmas to you too!

    2. i'm moving to san francisco/berkeley with my boyfriend.
      and yes, in a good way! but i still have to find a job/something, so… phew. ๐Ÿ˜‰


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