
There will be cats

The weather has been amazing in Berlin for the last couple of days, but also a little on the schizophrenic side at times.
Yesterday and today it was warm and the sun was shining, but at the same time it was raining, and i couldn’t help but feel like it kind of perfectly illustrated how i’m feeling these days.
Confused as hell, trapped between two worlds. Basically.

On one hand i’m happy, still stoked about Berlin and my amazing friends here, and all the fun shit we’re doing or planning on doing, and on the other hand, my heart is…. not broken, but certainly bleeding a bit, and missing Tokyo so damn much. Longing.
It’s weird, this happy/sad feeling.
If i could somehow transport myself there right now, i would, in a heartbeat.

So on that note, here are some pictures of cats!!

My time in Tokyo was so brief, so most days i was seeing friends, and didn’t have time to leave the city at all.
But i did go to Yokohama to spend the day with Chisato and Shige, and boy, was that day magical!
Not only did we have amazing food, coffee and hangouts, but we also went to a cat café.
It was my first time visiting one ever, and i was not disappointed.
I was always worried that cat café’s would be kind of sad places for lonely people and annoyed felines, but the place was clean, friendly and full of beautiful, healthy kitties.
They also had a sakura mochi that was to die for, but mostly it was all about the cats, and getting the ultimate cat photo, obviously.

Today i walked to Kurfürstendamm with my girls Wendy and Taylor to pick up my photos from the lab (and check out the new Uniqlo!), so the next couple of posts will be all analog photos.
But when i’m done with those i have even more cat photos on my iPhone… so what i’m saying is, there will be more cats!

8 thoughts on “There will be cats”

  1. I need more cats in my life. ASAP.
    Besides that, you're love for Tokyo makes up for my lacking interest in all things japanese and I can't wait to see more of your pictures! Your passion is contagious!

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