
Christmas in Bisserup part 2

Thank for all the sweet and positive comments on my last blog post.
It’s a touchy subject, and i know it’s hard to think of the right thing to say, but everyone who’s commented, both on the blog and in person, have been kind and respectful.
So thanks for that, all of your words and thoughts mean so much to me.

So yeah, back to normal blogging?
I’m really not too stoked about posting “then” pictures, cause the “now” feels much more positive to me, but i really like these photos i took in Bisserup over Christmas, so i’ll post them anyway.
Don’t worry, it’s not all beaches and boats, there are pictures of people too… and cows, obviously!

Last night i got back from working a convention in Brighton, so maybe i’ll soon be posting some pictures of, well, the beach.
It was an ok trip, but it’s so damn good to be home.
I’m really loving the smell of spring in the Berlin air these days.
And i missed my special little guy, of course.


10 thoughts on “Christmas in Bisserup part 2”

  1. I've just caught up and read your last post and I'm really sorry to hear about everything that's happened but I can't help feel like there is such a positive feeling woven through your writing that it's all going to be ok, despite the sadness of this chapter ending. Now you have a new chapter of your life to start and I believe we need lots of chapters to have an interesting life if that makes any sense? you have new adventures to plan, new hobbies to discover! Like Nova said it's great you're being honest and we're all here to support you in whatever way is necessary whether it's just reading your blog, looking and all the photographs you take (how beautiful is Bisserup) or starting up twitter paint night again or who knows what but anything you need just say.

    1. Thanks Kirsty, i really appreciate the support 🙂
      I agree about new chapters, even though they're fucking scary, they can be necessary.
      I never expected to find myself single and living in a foreign country at this point in my life, but maybe that's exactly what is supposed to be happening, who knows?
      And we totally need to bring back twitter paint night!

    2. I have been an avid reader of your blog for years, and have always found you a soulful, inspirational lady. Having just caught up on your post, I'm sorry to hear about the hard time you've been going through, but also that you have found a strength in your self I think you're readers have seen for a long time.
      It takes strength to talk about some of the hardships in life, and yours especially. I have always found it so admirable and, I suppose comforting
      I have been an avid reader of your blog for years, and have always found you a soulful, inspirational lady. Having just caught up on your post, I'm sorry to hear about the hard time you've been going through, but also that you have found a strength in your self I think you're readers have seen for a long time.
      It takes strength to talk about some of the hardships in life, and yours especially. I have always found it so admirable and, I suppose comforting. I think you have given encouragement and strength to other people through your words – and it's lovely to see you're so positive and determined! Anyway, I'm not one go really do these comment things but you're blog has always given me something!
      I wish you all the best!
      "It's important to not only be strong, but to feel strong"

      Natalie xx

      Also I recommend the app "headspace" if you don't have it already!

  2. Your pictures of Brighton were so nice on Instagram. <3 I think it's (and yes this sounds so cheesy but I'm gonna say it) super brave of you to be so honest to us internet people. I follow a LOT of blogs and when people separate from their spouse or something REAL and NOT AWESOME happens they try and gloss over it, never mentioning anything, and no matter how hard they try it's super obvious. So yeah, thanks for your honesty.

    In other news, those cows are SOOOOO CUUUUUUUUUTE

    1. Thanks, i hope the film ones are nice too. Although i didn't get to take many, cause weather happened.
      And thanks for the (not cheesy) compliment.
      I like to think i'm an ok liar, but i'm not so good, that i can pretend that everything is fine when something this serious happens! And i've seen how much it means to some people when i've opened up about not awesome stuff, like anxiety, in the past, so who knows, maybe there's someone out there going through something similar who'll feel less alone after reading my blog?
      Either way, talking/writing about stuff always helps, and i keep a small journal on my phone for the stuff that isn't internet appropriate 🙂

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