untitled blog


Cold flashbacks

Hey, i finally got a film back! Two actually, but as i looked at the pictures, i realized that i found them rather gloomy, actually. Which they’re not! It’s just that everything is so spring-like and awesome now, and these are so… winter. And i am officially over the cold. I’m still in layers, but …

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Happy place

So last week i did something amazing and very out of character for (the old) me, and bought myself a ticket to Tokyo. In April, i will be going to Japan all by myself, and the best thing is that i’m not even scared. Old me would have pooped her pants buying that ticket, possibly …

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Christmas in Bisserup part 2

Thank for all the sweet and positive comments on my last blog post. It’s a touchy subject, and i know it’s hard to think of the right thing to say, but everyone who’s commented, both on the blog and in person, have been kind and respectful. So thanks for that, all of your words and …

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I’ve always been a storm

So, i feel like it’s about time to get back into the blogging thing. The break was good, though. With everything that’s been going on, i didn’t trust myself not to overshare, and i think i was right not to. And about what’s been going on… I don’t wanna get too much into the details …

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Christmas in Bisserup part 1

I’ve been going through some really heavy stuff lately, the kind of stuff that has seemed way too heavy for the blog. So maybe i won’t be writing here for a while, just until i get my head together. I am almost positive that if i allow myself to open up to the internet, i’ll …

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Foujita, again

I am back in Berlin, back in my beloved house, and boy has that house gotten a lot of attention since we came home. We spent most of the day yesterday vacuuming, scrubbing, doing laundry, basically cleaning the crap out of this place. Visitors are arriving today, and i like the house to be clean …

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I just started and scrapped about four different drafts in as many minutes, so writing apparently isn’t a thing that’s working for me today. Maybe because i am in Denmark, full of fresh experiences, but i’m trying to write something that relates to pictures taken weeks or months ago? That might be it. Lately i’ve …

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First of the last

Sometimes when i look at my camera and there are only a few shots left, i just take them, real quick, so i can change the roll and start a new one. Usually those last few shots are of my house, and this last roll was no different. Well, my house and the Sunday coffee …

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Lucky number nine

I think this might be the last of the film drafts? I need to finish the one i have in the camera, so i can start posting new(er) stuff, but it’s fucking hard to finish a film when there’s no sun. None. Haven’t seen it in days. My camera doesn’t like that, and well, neither …

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