untitled blog



Last night there was a party, and today i am in hangover hell. Again. But at least i’m trapped in this hellish state with a bunch of my favorite people. I can’t tell you how much of a difference it makes to not only have my friends and my roommate back, but to also have …

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Future nostalgia

Today is the day that my second Wendy returns to Berlin. It’s a special day, not only because she’s been missed, but because i feel that her finally coming back will somehow bring us closer to living in our new home. The painters are probably there right now, working on it, and i desperately wanna …

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In Centro

I was in bed all day yesterday. Only got out of the house twice. Once for pizza and once for chips. Oh yes, so very hungover after a classic Berlin karaoke night with the gang. God, i love it here. This week my roommate is finally returning from the land of koalas and Tim Tam’s. …

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As soon as things ended with the Mexican i was dating again. It was what i did before i met him, so it seemed natural to jump right back in. I needed the distraction, and i needed the attention. I needed to not feel like a discarded piece of trash, once again. Dating was never …

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These pictures are from an afternoon we spent at Mercado de Sonora, a huge market especially well known for its herbal medicine and occult items. So obviously i loved it. I remember telling my friends that i liked going to busy places like this one with him, cause he’d always hold my hand and be very …

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Zona Rosa

I can’t say that all is right with the world just yet, but we’re getting there. Today my friends Wendy and John came back from their much too long trip to the States. I picked them up at the airport, had takeout dinner at their place, and basically stayed until their jet lagged bodies needed …

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Flora at Heno Heno, or where is my mind?

I’ve lived in a constant state of language confusion since i started Japanese classes this summer. First of all, yes, i am aware that it was a stupid idea to begin with. As a Danish person living in Germany, learning German would obviously have been the smart choice. And a much easier one too, but …

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A day in Potsdam

I’ve probably mentioned this before, but what i love most about living in Berlin, is spending time with my friends. I love that i’ve made so many of them since moving here, that they’re all amazing people, but mostly i love that at least some of them almost always have time to hang out. When …

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El rapido

I’m starting to have that dreaded “i’m missing a film” feeling. I don’t think my sometimes incompetent photo store would have it, and i emptied my bag ages ago, so… I lived out of a suitcase for almost a month. My bag was in a corner of his room, everything in there a total mess, …

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