untitled blog


Backup dreams

From the iPhone journal, a while back: This morning i had a weird realization. I’m at a place in my life where i’ve already had everything most of the people around me are working towards. The marriage, the house, the business. A car. Not the babies, obviously, but the possibility of family nonetheless. Stability. Had …

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The feels

“That moment when you realize that you are better alone. Better and happier. Self awareness is such a bitch.” I think i was just so ready for someone to see me. I longed for someone to see me, the real me, so much that i almost fell in love.  Seriously, isn’t that stupid? After everything …

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Return of the Mack

Well, what do you know, it’s one of those,  “i am a blogger this is how my week was!” posts. Or rather, the last many weeks.  In pictures.  Cause it’s Friday night and i don’t really have time to actually write anything. I did, though, earlier.  Write something. But it’s another emo post and i promised myself i’d …

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Looking too closely

Writing is something i’ve always done. It’s something i’ve always had the need to do. And it has always been the most important part of any healing process for me. Be it death or breakups… or just the fucking burden of life in general; when i need to fix something within myself, make sense of the world, …

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Stars, unaligned

I think i’ve mentioned it before, but in my experience, 2014 was the year of break ups.  Not just for me, obviously, but for so many supposedly solid couples in my circle of friends that all of a sudden fell apart without much warning. Most of us were severely wounded, some of us more than once, and …

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A while back i decided that my personal etsy shop was getting too messy and confusing. Hats, vintage clothes, and i wanted to add prints too. Too much of everything. So a couple of days ago i talked my two best friends, the Wendies, into modeling some of my vintage clothing for me. And then i …

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From the iPhone journal: I no longer have an emotional anchor. A person to mirror me, to justify my existence and individuality. This is being alone. It’s weird and even shocking to me sometimes, being truly alone. Not even having family nearby. But it’s not all bad, i guess. Anchors can drag you down. Here …

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Flora decorates

It feels like i’ve been almost ready to publish this post in what seems to be forever, but in the month leading up to our trip to New York, we had no internet, and that sadly meant no blogging. I honestly don’t know how we survived that, but somehow we did… barely. And when i …

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About New York

All travels are different, and i think that all the trips you go on are supposed to teach you something, about the world or yourself. I don’t really know yet exactly what New York taught me. Throughout the trip, i felt oddly disconnected with myself. Almost a sense of unreality, or one long out of …

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