untitled blog


Stay gold

From the iPhone journal:  The moment you realize you like someone, it’s already too late.  It’s kinda like when you’re eating and you realize you’re full. At that point you’ve already been full for a while, and you’re actually about to feel a little sick. Leftover analog photos from my first trip to the abandoned …

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Three years

Does this look funny? Like, does anything look… not normal, on the blog? I finally (finally!) got a new laptop.  One that works.  One that doesn’t take half an hour to start up. One that doesn’t crash or freeze every five minutes. One that doesn’t play movies on Netflix in slow motion, something i’d sadly …

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Memories destroy us

From the iPhone journal: Mexico was a year ago. A year ago today i was there, and in a way, i’m still there.  Stuck in a parallel universe, i can watch myself, i can relive my experiences and repeat my mistakes. It’s not always like this. On a regular day i can forget.  On a …

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If someone were to ask me what 2015 has been like so far, i wouldn’t know what to say yet. So much happened, so many conflicting feelings, so much joy and so much confusion. Like, how do you even begin to describe something that big? It’s like describing the ocean or the person you love. …

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Life in the now

It’s October 1st and i woke up with a strange urge to start fresh, start over. To somehow make this month different than the last one. I normally don’t even notice what today’s date is unless it’s someone’s birthday, but today feels different. I’m not sure how or why, but i think it started yesterday. …

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Pumpkin spice shut the hell up

It’s Sunday, and i don’t have much to write, but i got photos back from the lab on Thursday, and since it’s a rainy day today, i felt like posting a few sunny ones.  I’m still in denial about summer having ended, and every time someone talks about autumn being their faaaavorite season, and how …

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That girl

Ok, so i didn’t post the next day, but almost! Still playing catch-up, so none of this is particularly current, and all of it is random, but that’s ok. I’ll get to more present day events eventually. Probably. From the iPhone journal, written after talking to some of my best friends about some of our …

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Another self

Is it self promotion or self sabotage if i post something that a lot of people are supposed to see, on a Friday afternoon, a day famous for its low internet activity? Yeah ok, so that’s a typical me-move, but i just got home to Berlin after a week in Denmark, and if i don’t …

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