untitled blog



It says a lot about my life that i can only find time to sit down and write when i’m on holiday. So i’m in Denmark. I started out in Copenhagen, coming in late at night, Friday after work. A night on Martin’s couch, and breakfast with Mille. Then a train to the countryside, with …

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El alma y el cuerpo

Sooo… that happened. Another headstone for the Berlin Relationship Cemetery. I’m ok, though. Past the point of hoping, that maybe… but not past the point of missing him, and thinking of those last two hours we spent together. About how i had wanted to freeze that moment in time and play it on a loop, …

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Things i wanted to tell you

– When i got up this morning the hamster had escaped! She was just sitting on the cabinet outside her cage, contemplating her next move. When she saw me, she looked like she knew she was so busted. My first instinct was to take a picture and send it to you, but then i remembered… …

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Do you ever feel like your closest relationships are with fictional characters? The most important people in my life are currently Alicia Florrick from The Good Wife, and Katniss Everdeen. Maybe it’s a winter thing? I fucking hope it’s a winter thing. Analog photos of a dog on Karl–Marx–Straße, the David Bowie memorial outside my old …

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The measure of all things

From the iPhone journal: Kindness  It’s the first thing to go in a relationship that’s in trouble.  Once you stop doing the little things just because doing something for each other brings you joy, once you start counting favors, keeping track, that’s when you know.  Sometimes you don’t see it until it’s too late, and …

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Change up

There’s a smell in my neighborhood. A constant smell that i haven’t yet been able to identify. If my German was better, i’d ask an old local person, but for now, my neighborhood has an unidentified smell. And it’s not a pleasant one. It’s not a poop smell though, like in much of the city. …

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Season’s greetings

No, this isn’t the second photo dump, if you were wondering! This is just a quick little post, from me to you, my readers, to say happy holidays. It’s a little misleading, since i don’t have Lucifer with me this year… and i already posted a picture of him and his moose, but whatever, he’s …

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The first part of a classic photo dump

I arrived in Denmark yesterday. Sleepy, because i was on a morning flight. I don’t know why i always book those. Do i just forget how much i absolutely loathe getting up early? Ugh, never again, i say now, knowing that i will in fact do it again. But at least i was on time …

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