untitled blog



We had such a fantastic day off yesterday, and my Wednesday was really, really good too, so i mostly just wanna write about that and post my stupid iPhone pictures. However, i got a film back last night, and obviously that wins. Hopefully i’ll have time to do a bit of writing and catching up …

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I wish i could send you a postcard

The weather is grey and dreary looking today, and it sounds super windy too, and i am using that as an excuse to stay in and blog and drink coffee (Hata found decaf Nescafé at the supermarket last night… yay!), at least until Allan gets off from work. Yesterday i finally met my friend Crystal’s …

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Hello from Germany, uhm, i mean Tokyo!

I know, i know, i’m in Japan, and so i should be posting pictures from Japan, not Europe, right? Yeah, but you see, the first thing i did when we arrived in Kōenji yesterday, was go down to our photo store and get my latest film developed, so i could start a new one. And …

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Not so wordy, not today

It’s cold again. Damn cold. But that’s ok, cause in a week from today, i’ll be on my way to Japan, where it will be if not much, then at least somewhat warmer, i’m sure. Today we’re at work. Or Allan is working, i’m just here for emotional support, which means i sit around and …

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Trying my best to love you

After three incredibly shitty days, i’m finally starting to feel like the fog is lifting. Talking shit through with a professional can really help, and i while i’m still irritable and impatient, i’m definitely feeling less sad. Sad sucks. Denmark sucks too. It’s a weird thing to say when spring is here and things are …

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Around town

These are from a Sunday three or four week ago, i think? Me and Allan went to work to develop pictures in our lab, but took a detour through the city to buy a pizza slice at our favorite pizza place, and to let Lucifer run through his favorite park near the old shop. I …

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Around the house

I had an involuntary day off yesterday. A sick day, really. These things happen when you work yourself too hard, and assume it won’t affect you. I’m glad i have a husband who will occasionally order me to stay home and rest, which is what i did. I miss having a normal weekend, or day …

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Around the shop

I feel like i rarely complain about being too busy, and i’m not gonna complain now either. I’m just gonna say that i’d like a weekend at home soon. Doing nothing, or as close to nothing as possible. It’s not gonna happen, but a girl can dream, right? Considering that we’re spending all our time …

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Around the lakes (swan heavy post)

I thought i’d start the week by posting some lake-bird pictures, since you seem to enjoy those almost as much as i do. Maybe that’s why i like you guys so much? Some of these were taken just a few weeks ago when it was still actual winter, and considering the glorious weather we’re having …

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Friday, finally! Am i the only one who’s been forward to this all week? And not just cause it’s cake day. We picked up our pictures on the way to work, and mine turned out pretty good, although some of them look like the photo guys decided to clean the lint off their Icelandic sweaters …

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