untitled blog


We were in love

From the iPhone journal: You carry it around every day. Like depression, like anxiety, like an invisible chronic illness.  It’s something heavy and dark that only you know about. If you’re lucky like me, you can still function. You work hard at finding joy in the tiniest things, you observe and squeeze the magic out …

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The garden

    I wrote the following piece back in the winter after spending longer than i care to admit trying to turn a particularly toxic fling into something meaningful, and ending up feeling some pretty severe emotional and physical repercussions of that failed attempt.  I don’t believe anyone should have to endure any form of …

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Well, I’ve got thick skin and an elastic heart

From the iPhone journal: You’ll need to reclaim your space. Redecorate, clean thoroughly. Hurry up, hang your clothes where his used to be. Until that space is yours again and you forget that,  for a while, someone else lived there too, someone you loved deeply. You’ll need to reclaim your heart. Focus on ideas, ambitions, …

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Magical bridge trip

Previously unpublished analog photos from a magical road trip with magical people to, you guessed it, a magical bridge. I think this was about a year ago. I’m lucky to have friends like these.

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Flora’s treehaus

It’s been over six months since i moved in. It’s hard to even explain the relief and the peace of mind that comes with having a real home to yourself after so long. While moving, i would suddenly remember being 16 years old in Copenhagen, on my way to school, standing in the rain at …

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Life like this

March 2018: I write in my head, all the time. A thought will come to me, usually in the moments before sleep and it’s perfect. No, not perfect but it has potential and truth, and i’ll lie awake perfecting it until it’s just right, and conveys everything i’ve been needing to express. And i fall asleep …

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I still struggle with trying not to divide life into before and after. Before. After. Time seems to stand still in the after, but in reality it’s flying by at the speed of light and the only thing standing still is me. Myself, i’m the one making before always seem heartbreakingly recent. But it’s not. …

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Everything now

I’m grateful i never brought you here. So many things are dead to me because of their connection to you. So many places are ruined. Imagine if i’d taken you here. Imagine if we’d looked at the night sky together. You could have ruined the stars for me. Jungle mirror selfie before going to the …

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And i wake up alone

It’s my birthday next week and i am scared. Last year on my birthday, i was so happy. I was in love, surrounded by my best friends.  This year…  I had planned on running away from it.  I looked at flights to Athens.  I wanted to sit by myself on a rock overlooking something beautiful and …

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I was going to say that i don’t have words to describe the past months, but the thing is i do. I have nothing but words. I’ve written so many. I just don’t know if any of them belong here. Or even out in the real world. For the longest time i had a hard …

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