untitled blog


Asakusa on a Friday afternoon

One of the best things about coming to the same place for years and years, is not only meeting a bunch of people, but being able to actually stay in touch and meet up with them once or twice a year. I’ve been lucky enough to hang out with a bunch of my favorite people …

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The mother of dragons

Some more of them analog pictures, from a really good day. On tuesday i got tattooed (yes, i will get to those pictures too, promise!) and after the session was done, we went back to Shige and Chisato’s place for a Yokohama sleepover. We usually go home to Tokyo every night, so it was kind …

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Lucky shots

It’s ok to brag sometimes, right? Like when you get an almost perfect dog picture, with your analog camera, and you’re really proud of it? Of course, i would never. No, not me. Ahem, but anyway, i do happen to have a pretty good dog picture right here. Two, actually. Three, if you count the …

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No time for words

I came back to the shop from a lovely day out in Tokyo, i then Skyped with my parents for about half an hour, and now Allan is done working and i feel like the shop might close at any time, without me having done any blogging. In other words, i’m panicking! My internet cravings …

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I still can’t believe that i’ll be able to call this magical place “home” in a very short time. How lucky is that? No, not luck. Hard work and stubbornness is more like it, but it makes me feel lucky, nonetheless. And maybe a little guilty about being here, when i feel like i should …

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*Cough, sneeze*

So, we’re in Japan, and the first few days here have been a little weird. Always good, of course, cause i’m in japan and it’s very hard for me to not be happy here, but still a little strange. I caught a friggin airplane cold on the way here, so i’ve been a little sick, …

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Mondays all around

I bought a bunch of sleep medication today cause i haven’t slept right, sometimes not at all, in weeks. It’s not nerves or anxiety, or at least i don’t think it is. It’s just a phase, and they pass, but it’s one that’s starting to drive me crazy, and crazy is something i don’t need …

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Windy city

Aaaaahhh, Copenhagen is the worst today! It’s gloomy and rainy and windy and i hate it. So… how’s everyone else doing? We’re busy getting our shit together for the London Convention this weekend. Currently, Allan is painting flash and i am printing photos for his portfolio. You know, stuff that we usually do the day …

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This Friday post is gonna be short, cause there are no news yet, and there is only one thing on my mind. From July, hidden on a mostly non-Berlin film. Tonight we’re gonna get takeout and watch Supernatural. How did i go so long without watching that show? I am so into it, even though …

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Hunger? Imbiss!

Remember that Lomo film that didn’t turn out quite like i had hoped? Of course not, how could you when i only posted one picture from it? Although that was a pretty good one! Anyway, since we were talking about Berlin the other day, and trust me, we’re gonna be talking about Berlin a lot, …

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