untitled blog



Sorry for the blog silence, i haven’t gone into another blog-hibernation or anything, but i have spent my entire weekend cleaning the house. Or, not exactly, there were coffee breaks and ice cream hangouts and friend visits, but damn, we did spend a lot of time fixing up the place. I spent the whole day …

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The not so great one

A few more from the hospital, using a film i kinda guessed was no good, but it was all i had at the time. I really don’t like toy camera films, or films with “interesting effects” anymore. I just like… pretty. Too bad, cause that open roof with moss and grass growing on it, it …

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Man, i sure have missed blogging. Almost as much as i’ve missed taking pictures with a real camera. I’d forgotten how therapeutic this is for me. Hey, have i mentioned lately how much i love living in Berlin? I love living in Berlin. Our life here is awesome, and there are such great people in …

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Dream world

As you probably know, cause i’ve probably told you, we haven’t had much time to explore our new surroundings since moving here. It’s a big house, and there’s only the two of us, so yeah, we’ve been spending most of our time at the house, in Schöneberg. Not that i mind. It’s actually never a …

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First days here

I just got pictures back from a really special trip we went on last week, and they’re actually pretty amazing. So of course i’d like nothing better than to post them right now, but the pictures require a bit of happy story telling, and to tell you the truth, i am not in a great …

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Spring, the smell of spring, everything about it, always makes me think of Japan. Maybe because it’s where i’ve been spending the better part of spring for the last nine-ish years, not counting the awful year of 2011. And now that spring has finally come to Berlin, i miss Japan like you wouldn’t believe. For …

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From my cardboard fortress

Sorry for not being around, but my life solely revolves around boxes and putting things in them these days. Even now, i’m typing from within a fortress of cardboard and bubble wrap. The movers are coming in less than a week to take every last thing we own and drive it to Berlin. The next …

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Hoco, Ebisu, yet again

At a good spot with great people, a few weeks ago. How i managed to get both ladies blurry in the last picture, i have no idea, but they still look pretty awesome, in spite of my fucking up the shot. Oh, and nice secret Trekking, Ai, i didn’t even notice until i got the …

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Here’s one of them scheduled posts, cause i won’t be blogging today. Not only is it my last day in Tokyo, but it’s also inkrat’s only closed day during the week, so i couldn’t blog even if i wanted to! I believe i mentioned we went to Kamakura on Sunday, but i never posted any …

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Fuzzy kappa and other Tokyo treasures

I rarely get any real love from Copenhagen. And it’s not cause my eyes aren’t open. Maybe that’s why i’m leaving? But Tokyo… Tokyo always has love for me, in some way. Some days it’s an owl at the park*, another day at the same location, it’s a bluegrass band rehearsing. Or a turtle soaking …

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