untitled blog


One of those…

Today is gloomy and gray. One of those days where it doesn’t feel like daytime at all, at any point. So basically the perfect day to post summer pictures and long for sunlight, sweet sunlight. Right? Pictures are from around Schöneberg and Kreuzberg. And from my balcony and kitchen table.

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Never sorry

Yesterday i was feeling really stressed, so i gave myself the day off and watched documentaries on the couch with Lucifer. I had popcorn too. It was pretty great, i tell ya. I watched Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry and while i liked the movie a lot, and admire Ai Weiwei a whole lot as a …

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Nothing but blue skies

Ah, summer. Remember summer? Yeah, that was nice. I know i already posted a ton of pictures from our summer holiday in Bisserup back in August, but those were iPhone pictures, and we all know that those don’t really count. These are from the film i had scanned twice, and believe me, the pictures look …

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Darker days

Even though we had a bit of indian summer going on while my parent visited, the weather is going down hill fast now. It’s dark, rainy, cold and grey. And dark. Did i mention that it’s very dark? I still have a ton of gardening i need to do before it gets too cold for …

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Short, but sweet

My parents visited last week, and even though they came in their small car this time around, they still managed to bring us a vintage filing cabinet for the shop, fresh apples from their garden, chains and fishing gear for the work room (all well over 100 years old), plants, several awesome skulls (including the …

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A walk with friends

Remember how i posted this post way back in August and complained about how the photo shop possibly messed up my film, and how i should go get them scanned again? Yesterday i finally did. That didn’t take me too long at all! And it turns out that i was right, and my negatives were …

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Hmmm, i obviously don’t have much time to blog these days, which is a little annoyong cause i have a lot to share, but that’s how it goes sometimes. So this is just a post to let you know that i am still alive, and very, very happy. And that’s nice, right? Here are some …

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I’m currently so frustrated about not being able to find anyone to build our terrace, that i’m considering doing it myself. Which is obviously ridiculous, but i am getting impatient. I haven’t even gotten around to tiling the kitchen wall, something that apparently terrifies me, or i would have done it ages ago, so maybe …

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One night in Copenhagen

As i mentioned in this post, the city part of our Denmark trip was strange, so there’s no need to get into that again. Except to say that i love water and i sometimes miss looking at it daily, since my Berlin home isn’t near the Spree or any canals or lakes. I hope it’ll …

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Sometimes i really hate my no-editing rule, cause almost all of the pictures on my last two films would have been much improved by some photoshop magic. But rules are rules, which is bullshit, cause i break rules all the time. But apparently not this one. Here are some pictures from the Bisserup part of …

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