untitled blog



So i already told you about my wonderful day in Paris, but i’m sorry, we’re not quite done yet. Yes, it is indeed time for the obligatory iPhone photo dump! But hey, at least you get to see me look ridiculous in a helmet. It’s summer in Berlin again and all i wanna do is …

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Final Tokyo iPhone photo dump… maybe…

It’s been raining in Berlin for what feels like weeks. In reality, it’s probably been one week, but whatever, i’m sick of it already. And the fact that i’m mostly inside these days, either working or working out, doesn’t change the fact that i need some damn sunshine soon. Anyway, how are you all doing? …

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Oh, Paris….

Tokyo. My trip home was as easy as my trip there, only about a million times better. I landed in Paris at 4 in the morning… Wait, let me explain something real quick first. When i booked the tickets and saw that i had a 16 hour layover i basically thought “Motherfucker. Worst. Tickets. Ever.” …

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I think this might be my last analog Japan post…? This film was a bit special so it took a few extra days to develop. It was already in my camera when i went to Tokyo, so these are all from my first days there. Lots of walking, lots of hanami.  But i still have …

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I’m not sure exactly what to write for this one. On my last day in Japan i had a late flight to Paris, so i didn’t have to be at the airport until 8 pm, and since i don’t panic much anymore, i decided to make plans to hang out with a couple of friends. …

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Tokyo randoms

I’m slowly dragging myself out of post vacation blues mode. The summery weather in Berlin, and my amazing friends, have made it a lot easier. Life is good here, i shouldn’t complain. Still, my heart aches a bit when i look at photos from Tokyo, and i’m counting the days, weeks, months until i can …

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Day one

On the 2nd of April i got up at 4 in the morning to get ready for my very early flight to Tokyo via Paris. The person i used to be would have been completely freaked out by the fact that it was a morning flight, cause she really fucking hated those, and she certainly …

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There will be cats

The weather has been amazing in Berlin for the last couple of days, but also a little on the schizophrenic side at times. Yesterday and today it was warm and the sun was shining, but at the same time it was raining, and i couldn’t help but feel like it kind of perfectly illustrated how …

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Tokyo… how i miss you (or Tokyo part 1)

So i obviously didn’t get to post anything while i was in Japan… oops? I actually tried. I uploaded the pictures in this post and then the internet at the hotel got a little wacky, and i had plans to go out, and it just never quite happened. I guess i focused on seeing people …

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Girl talk

To be honest, i’ve never been much of a girl’s girl. As a kid, sure, but in my adult life, i always wanted to be, but instead i always had boyfriends, and boys that were friends, and after a while, i guess i started to feel not 100% comfortable with other women, save for maybe …

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