untitled blog



Berlin.  Almost none of my friends are here permanently. And i’m starting to think that maybe i’m not either?  Maybe Berlin is a phase we all must go through before we find our real home? I’m fairly certain that Denmark isn’t mine, but I’m starting to accept that this might not be it either.  So …

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Cph from above

Well, what do you know, an unpublished analog draft. Better post this before i get the pictures back from my most recent trip to Denmark. Yes, these ones are actually from way back in May! Thankfully there aren’t that many, since our time in Copenhagen was limited, and mostly spent on bicycles. So here’s a …

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The new classic

I know, i did it again, and i feel bad, really i do! But my etsy shop has been closed for about two years, and that’s a like a decade in internet years, so i need to do a lot of this promotion stuff to bring it back on the radar. I’m sure you guys …

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Shameful self promotion

I feel like a total asshole for doing a post like this after not blogging for so long. And i honestly have so much exciting stuff that i’d much rather be writing about right now, but… This is just gonna be a super quick post to let y’all know that my etsy shop has been …

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The benches

Sometimes i feel like my analog posts has a lot of landscapes, cityscapes, home decor, plants, the occasional cows and dogs, but not a whole lot of people. I try to take a lot of people pictures when i travel, but i rarely take any in Berlin, it seems. Maybe that’s because i forget to …

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A breath of fresh air

I got pictures back from the lab yesterday. And y’all know how much i love getting pictures back! Most of the photos on that film were from my trip to Denmark in late May with Wendy and Taylor. I know, it took me a while to finish shooting that one! Anyway, we spent two days …

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If you’re a longtime reader of this blog, you know that it’s pretty rare for me to not share personal stuff with my readers. Even stuff that’s probably considered too personal by some, such as health issues and painful breakups and other things of that nature, has often made its way onto the blog anyway. …

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Sometimes i take blogging breaks that are so long, i hardly know where to start when i try to get back into it. I believe i’ve mentioned this about a trillion times since i started this blog, and i probably will again at least a trillion more. But this time i have a good solution! …

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Always home, always away

Posting Berlin pictures while in Denmark? Sure, why not. Why even try to make the sense. So yeah, i’m in Denmark visiting my parents and my two favorite girls are here with me. We arrived yesterday, had some delicious coffee in my old hood with my bestests friend, who has become a dad since i …

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