untitled blog


Island life

No no, don’t let the coconut water fool you, i’m anything but healthy here! We cook at home, and we try to be healthy, sure, but this is America, all Europeans coming here are doomed to gain weight, and the sad part is that we know it. But i won’t complain, the island life is worth …

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What, too obvious? The title, i mean. Maybe so, but i am in Hawaii, Maui to be specific, and since my regional vocabulary is somewhat limited, i stand by my choice! I’m sure most of you already knew from instagram that i was here, but i still hope one or two of my readers are …

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This morning me and Wendy went to a meeting with our building manager. We had some tea, a nice long talk, and then we signed the contract for our new apartment. It’s done, it’s official, and a few pieces of paper in German have never looked so good. Friends and readers alike, who have been …

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I may be all out of analog photos from Mexico, but i still have a few from the iPhone that i wanna share. Actually, i could probably keep posting iPhone pictures from Mexico for months, but don’t worry, i won’t! But i still think about Mexico a lot, and in spite of everything, i really …

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Girl just wanna

I just realized that i’ve been sick for almost two weeks. I mean, i’m feeling way better now, but i still occasionally cough like someone who smokes about two packs a day (which i can assure you that i don’t!) After two weeks of being a forced homebody, it’s no wonder i’m so excited about …

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As lovely as Berlin is in spring and summer, and as much as i love it here, winter is death for photography enthusiasts like me. I know i just posted analog pictures yesterday, but i already miss having “real” pictures to post here. And even if i brought my camera with me everywhere, which i …

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Out come the wolves

I think this might be the last of them. The last analog post from Mexico City. Unless the missing film ever turns up, but let’s face it, not a big chance of that happening. So this is it. I wish it was from a better day. I mean, the day itself was fine, but he …

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Sunday blerghday

I ventured out on a social mission today, the first one since i got sick. We had brunch at Cabslam, and it was great, but whoa, i’m still not 100%. I kinda just sat there and spaced out and stared at my dog a lot! And drank so much coffee that at present time, six …

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You know you’re sick when…

When? When you dig up drafts from almost a year ago just to have something to post that requires minimum effort. I actually had drafts way older than this one too. They’re like ghosts now. Some of them are written and ready to publish, but it’s too late for them, their relevance is long gone. …

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Pathetic little me

As i mentioned in the previous post, i’ve been surrounded by some of my favorite people for the better part of a week. We had plans every day. We went out sightseeing, and coffee drinking, out for dinner, and of course partying. Maybe a little too much partying, because on Monday, my body finally shut down. …

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