untitled blog


Home in analog

Yes, i will get my first New York film back today, but i probably won’t have time to re-size and post the pictures until later this weekend, so here are some older photos from my new home in Neukölln. I had a few shots left on my second Hawaii film, and i decided to waste …

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I heart NY

Posted without (much) comment, because i have too much to say, but no time to say it. But hey, i’m back from New York, which was awesome, obviously. The first batch of analog photos from our trip will be ready to pick up on Friday, so i’ll do the writing thing then. Ok? Ok! Afternoon …

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Love hate thing

You know i love Berlin. I love it. I talk about how much i love it all the time. How great it is to live here, how wonderful my friends are. I love it, i do. But sometimes… Sometimes i really fucking hate it. Hate living somewhere where i’m helpless when things aren’t working. Where …

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The weather in Berlin has been absolutely ridiculous for the last couple of days. You’re damn right i’m blogging about the weather! Shit is that bad. I am currently sitting in my cozy room, drawing and freezing my ass off, while it snows, hails, and rains outside. On April first. I wouldn’t mind being back …

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Get happy

That picture? I wish that was me today, but i’m afraid i’m pretty far from that level of happy at the moment. Maybe it’s still the stress of moving that’s affecting me, or maybe it’s the winter like weather we’ve been having, but i am just… stuck. Every day feels like trying to dig my …

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No cacti, no palm trees

  New neighborhood, new street, new dog walking routes, new supermarket to shop in, new habits, new ubahn station… new photo guy? I shot a little under two films when i was in Maui, and earlier this week, i walked up the street from my house, and went into the first photo store i ran …

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White walls

Well shit, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? But as you can probably imagine, a lot has happened since my last post. A lot. I’ve been living in my new home for two weeks now. I can’t believe it’s been this long already, but looking around at all the progress we’ve made, it’s actually kind …

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Last night

So the thing that was maybe, hopefully, supposed to happen sometime this week, or possibly the next, is actually happening tomorrow morning. The move. Once shit started coming together, it went fast, and we’re still not quite there. But we will be ready when the movers arrive, and i can’t even begin to imagine what …

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A life in boxes

It’s Sunday, and it’s raining in Berlin, and it looks like we have another one of those “sorry i’m not making a whole lot of sense” posts on our hands. But when i tell you that it’s because we’re moving soon, and that we’ve been packing for days, and that on our day off from …

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Ok, so i didn’t actually have time to post another quick one before leaving beautiful Maui. Yup, i’m back in Berlin already! We actually tried to change my ticket a few days ago, cause there was still so much work to be done at the house, and also we were having fun so going home …

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