untitled blog


Dumb cookie

The things about gossip is that it eventually gets back to the person being gossiped about. I’ve been trying to keep the specific circumstances behind my breakup private, telling only a few of my closest friends what happened.  I haven’t blogged about it in detail, i even quit twitter because i didn’t want to accidentally overshare …

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So… what are you gonna do now?

Months ago i wrote a thing on my phone about topics that made me uncomfortable when brought up, especially by strangers. I guess i was getting the same questions a lot at the time, and i needed to vent. The same topics aren’t necessarily bothering me now. Actually not much does, it’s one of the …

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I don’t know what feels more sad.  Posting pictures from December, a month i’ve spent being stressed out and in mourning, or posting pictures from before, and remembering.  I’ve said it before, but when it comes to breakups, everything gets divided into before’s and after’s.  December was a daze for me.  Once i stopped crying, …

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The world is a very different place than it was when i wrote my last post, isn’t it? We all woke up in a new reality the day after the election. I had tried to stay awake and failed, but i could hear the news anchors talking as i fell in and out of sleep, …

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Postcards from the recent past

Today i woke up early, feeling less hungover than i should have considering my Saturday night, so i started editing photos on my old Dell laptop, that only ever comes out of retirement for that very purpose. I then did a 30 minute workout with my flatmate, who also had a late night. Then i …

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The next adventure

As i’m writing this i’m in bed drinking coffee, but next to me on the floor is an open, still unpacked suitcase and a boarding pass with today’s date on it. What i’m trying to say, is that this will be a quick one. A couple of months ago we were sitting outside of a …

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Home in analog, the sequel

The other day when i was posting about my article in Tätowier Magazin, i noticed that this post was among my three most read posts recently. It’s an old post with analog pictures from my apartment only a few months after i moved in, and as i was looking at the photos, i was struck …

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A beautiful summer day in Berlin a few weeks ago, before the weather got a little too grey and autumn-like. A Saturday. I was up early, and he had barely slept, and we decided to go to the lake. Me, because i love swimming and going on adventures. Him, mostly because he wanted to make …

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My scandi steeze

Quick, like a bandaid.  Write a post and you’re back. Doesn’t even have to be that good.Forget about standards.Would you believe me when i say i was never really gone?Maybe not, but it’s the truth.Even when i’m not posting, i’m always writing.  And even when i’m not writing, part of my brain is always focused …

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