untitled blog


Adventures in the lab, part 1

I actually had a very wordy, and very serious, post about copyright and the evils of Pinterest planned, but the more i think about it, the more annoyed i get, so i figured i better take a break from that and go to my happy place. Not actually go there, but yeah, you know.. So, …

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Copenhagen blues

Being back home. “Home”. Oh dear. For us, coming back from Japan always goes a little something like this: “bitch, bitch, bitch, complain, complain, complain… but it’s great to see Lucifer!” And this time wasn’t any different. We got home in the afternoon on Wednesday, and immediately, after dropping off our suitcases at home, went …

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Tokyo via AE-1

It’s my last day in Japan, so it’s gonna be a short post. Short as in few words, that is, cause pictures i have, and lots of them! We’re having a pretty amazing day actually. The weather is great, we’ve had time to shop for the last few things, and pack, and eat good food, …

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