untitled blog


Cph flashback

I’ve spent most of my day getting the shop ready for our walk-in event tomorrow. I have no idea if any people will show, if any (and my social phobia always secretly hopes that no one will), but if some do, i think we’ll be ready. I’ve been making bottles into old looking candlesticks and …

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Lovely, lovely Kreuzberg

Yesterday was my birthday, so of course i woke up at 7.30 feeling like i was dying. I was sick on Monday too, so i’m starting to wonder if it’s an every-other-day thing with me? I’ll never understand my body. Allan made a great birthday breakfast that i struggled to keep down, but for some …

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Berliner adventures (this time in analog)

Holy shit do i have a lot of Berlin pictures! And some Japan pictures, and some Copenhagen ones too. And pictures of my home and family as well, so all in all, two pretty good rolls, i’d say. I’m gonna have to split this into a few posts, just so you don’t OD on Berlin …

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Copenhagen is so lovely these days, it makes me wish i had something to show for it. Today we had an unexpected day off, as a client got sick, so we slept in, had coffee at the café, and then went to the park. We lounged on a blanket in the sun for a while, …

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Tsukishima and Hoco

I’m coming dangerously close to having 500 followers via that google thing (cue at least two people unfollowing, just because), and i always said i’d make a contest of sorts when that happened, so i better get working on that. I say contest cause i don’t particularly like give-aways, and i don’t wanna do one …

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It’s no secret that getting back from Japan and easing into everyday life is always hard, but some trips are harder to come back from than others. So i’ve been sad. Not depressed or anything, just sad, and i haven’t really been able to get back into normal life, and work and everything that comes …

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Let’s pretend a little longer

So i apparently have some kind of throat infection, and not just a cold. I did suspect as much,which is why i went to see a doctor on Friday. I say a doctor and not my doctor, because i just got a new one, much to my surprise and against my will. But the clinic …

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One Shiba picture to rule them all!

We’ve been back for two days now, almost, and my cold has just gotten worse. I cough, a lot, and yesterday i was actually considering going to the doctor. Today, i’m not so sure. I think i’ll wait and see how it feels when i wake up tomorrow. I generally hate doctors, and i just …

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Full of surprises

Damn, i really wanted to do at least one more post from Japan, but you know how it is. The last few days are always packed, and when the choice is between enjoying life and writing about it,well, living should always win, shouldn’t it? In any case, i’m back in Denmark now, feeling even sicker …

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Koenji, Shinjuku and a few Daikanyama randoms

The day before last. I’ve been having a pretty mellow and yet super eventful day. It’s funny how crazy stuff always happens when i stay home in my hood! I also started packing today, cause we have a lot of stuff. So much that we’ll probably need to ship a box home this time. It’s …

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