untitled blog


A picture for the weekend

It would appear that Lucifer,who just got better, is sick again. And poor Allan has a cold. And well, i don’t feel so hot either. Friday night… woo? So here’s a picture to cheer me up, and maybe you as well? Snoopy the Golden Retriever after a swim last Friday I got my pictures back …

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On a boat

I was hoping that our summer vacation  would look something like this, but as it turns out, there is no summer, and we have very little time off. Oh, and there are people living in our summer house, so that’s out of the question anyway. We did have a couple of decent days when we …

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A day on Nørrebro

Today we had a late breakfast at Young and Rabu’s place. It was delicious and i love visiting their awesome apartment, and lively, un-Copenhagen-like street. After breakfast we went for a walk through the cemetery. We ended up at the shop, that was our plan all along, where Allan locked himself in the photo lab …

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Mid week Sunday

Two unexpected days off in a row is pretty much the best thing ever. And much needed, might i say, after being apart for an extended weekend. We’ve been out walking, hanging with friends, drawing (me) and working on the computer (him). But that’s ok, he recently bought a laptop, so for once we’re actually …

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For Allan’s birthday on the 25th of June, he wanted a cake. It was the least i could do, especially considering the weird-ass presents i got him. And i actually like making birthday cakes. Probably because they don’t involve actually baking anything. It was good… the next day it was REAL good More analog goodness …

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Last Japan

I went to work today, cause i felt pretty good this morning, but the shop is drafty and i started to feel like my cold was getting worse, so i ended up leaving early. Not completely sure i’ll be going in tomorrow at all. Most of my work can be done on my laptop at …

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A lovely waste

This is my last day of being an unwilling festival widow. Yay! It’s been a little rough, being sick and home alone… like, literally alone all the time, which is something i usually enjoy on occasion, but with everyone i know out having a great fucking time… well, i’m just a little bitter i guess. …

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Friday night hat rants

Right now, i still wouldn’t mind tossing my laptop out the window, perhaps after using it one final time to compose a million hate mails to blogger and paypal, but at least i finally managed to finish the new shop section of the blog. Hat shop section, that is, the thrifty part is still closed… …

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Family times

Yesterday i went to the gym, and then i got tattooed. I think it’s probably the last time i try out that particular combo! The tattoo is gonna be great, though, and i hope we’ll have time to finish it soon. This weekend we’re going to the country for my dad’s 70th birthday party. Yeah, …

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Around the Mitte

I’m a little beat today. For almost a week now, i’ve been waking up around 7, unable to sleep for several hours. So weird. And we had our witch event at the shop last night. I don’t need to tell you that it ended pretty late, do i? We’ve had an insanely mellow Sunday. Both …

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