untitled blog


Now that i know

I already told you, i knew all along that my trip to Mexico was gonna leave me with mixed feelings, but i don’t think i ever could have anticipated exactly how mixed. Not even after the year i’ve had. I should have known better, god knows i’ve heard it all. Among my favorites are “she’s …

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Santa Frida

Casa Azul. It’s more like a shrine than a museum, and if it’s Frida Kahlo paintings you’re looking for, there are better places to find them. But still, there is nothing like this place. We were sightseeing in Coyoacán one day, and although i knew the Museo Frida Kahlo was close by, we’d initially planned …

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Flora at Taubenschlag, or i hate Mondays

This post is (mostly) for all you clients of Conspiracy Inc. What, you think cause i don’t work at the shop anymore i’ve forgotten about you? Hah, never! Taubenschlag is a cozy café on Leberstraße 1 in Schöneberg, about a five minute walk from Conspiracy Inc. and a one minute walk from Julius-Leber-Brücke sbahn, making it an excellent place …

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Home for the holidays

Have i mentioned lately how much i hate Sundays? I hate Sundays. Sundays are for couples and snuggling, not for waking up alone around noon with a headache. But that’s life now.  So i made myself an omelette, worked on a painting, and instantly felt better. I didn’t bring my camera to Denmark over Christmas. …

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Colors of Tepoztlán

Ok, i think i’m ready to post some more Mexico photos, but i’m not really ready to write a whole lot just yet. I’ve had a rough couple of days (and not just because of the hangover either!) so i think i need to take a few more days to think and heal before getting …

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Flora at Le Bon

Not gonna lie, yesterday was rough. That’s what happens when you go drinking for two days straight, party like it’s 1999, and fall asleep on the floor of your friends hallway. Happy New Year indeed! But after spending all of yesterday in bed alternating between sleeping, throwing up, and watching Lord of the Rings, i’m …

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I had the whole thing planned. The 2014 untitled blog retrospective post! I wrote it in my head already, but i’m not gonna type it and i’m not gonna post it. Then last night i got some bad news, and i wrote a post about that instead. But i’m not gonna post that either. Not …

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Berlin… back to Berlin

Ahhhh… i just got back home after a wonderful Christmas with my family in Denmark. I’ve been on the road with Lucifer all day, so all i wanna do right now is watch Netflix and attampt to eat my own body weight in popcorn. But first, some iPhone randoms! All of these are from before …

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This is kinda hard. Having an open heart and a shit ton of feelings always is. Stupid feels. None of them were mine. Not my friends, not my family, and i’ll probably never see them again, but i miss them just the same. I can’t really write anything else for this one, but i like …

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Dog lady

Eat, nap, drink, repeat. Is that what Christmas is about? Cause that’s what i’ve been doing for days. Luckily the sun came out today, and i was able to go for a long walk with my family. It got super friggin cold, so i had to carry Lucifer most of the way, but it was …

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