
Never sorry

Yesterday i was feeling really stressed, so i gave myself the day off and watched documentaries on the couch with Lucifer.
I had popcorn too.
It was pretty great, i tell ya.

I watched Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry and while i liked the movie a lot, and admire Ai Weiwei a whole lot as a person and activist, i’m still not sure how i feel about him as an artist.
Or how i feel about any artist who basically hire other people to create their art for them.
I know it’s nothing new, but it still weirds me out!
There was one guy in the movie, i think he was working on what appeared to be a pretty complex dragon sculpture, and he described himself as as an assassin, a hired gun, just carrying out his boss’ orders.
And he seemed very content, but still, what he was creating was very detailed, and i’m not sure Ai Weiwei could ever do that?
Like, when you’re an artist at that level, aren’t you more of a… designer? Or a highly imaginative businessman?
And if the very existence of your multi million dollar art empire depends on the work of a lot of other people besides yourself, couldn’t you maybe call it an art collective? An art family, instead of one persons name, one person getting all the glory?
I don’t know.
It was a good movie.
It actually reminded me of this French documentary about the fashion industry, where you get a look behind the scenes of a Chanel collection, i think.
I remember being completely shocked at how little Karl Lagerfeld actually did.
He came by the seamstresses workshop, dropped off a pretty, but vague, sketch, and left everything up to a group of experienced ladies.
Everything; the fabric, draping, beading, all the things that make a fantastic couture dress, was left up to these women who got absolutely no credit for their extremely hard work.
I tried googling the documentary, and i think it might be this one, if anyone cares, but i’m not 100% sure.

I don’t know where i was going with that rant.
Maybe i just wanted to post something besides “this is what i did today and here are some pictures”.
Anyway, here are some pictures!

The day after i watched Moonrise Kingdom with Nick and Allan
My first solo bread-making adventure
Old trusty and a good cup of coffee
Schöneberger wilderness adventure
No dogs allowed… ahem
Nature taking over
Rainy day on my way to the hobby store

Lucifer has many friends in the neighborhood, and this one always carries treats

Sunday flea market date with Allan and Sarah

Presents all the way from Hong Kong

Cats for a diorama project i’m working on… why can’t i be obsessed with making something serious and profitable?

For the same project… pretty tiny stuff!

My apple tree (have i even posted pictures of the apple tree i bought and planted in the garden?! I hope so!) made tiny, but delicious apples… i’m very proud of it for delivering the goods!

Nick drew me a Trek-paca

That day i bought a kind of expensive penguin sweater and put on red lipstick

Ps. It’s walk-in weekend at my shop, so come get tattooed and have a cup of coffee with us!

12 thoughts on “Never sorry”

  1. Was the bread a success? It looks real good.
    I watched Moonrise Kingdom this summer & I've been wanted to sleep in a tent on a remote beach ever since and that dress. If I wasn't so lazy I'd make one!

    1. The bread is actually super good! All credit goes to my moms recipe.
      I've been thinking a lot about camping too. We should start planning and gathering equipment for spring!

  2. Niiiiiice…..this post has to be one of my favorites. I hear you bout the "art" rant…so true. And do I miss Berlin and the overcast and rainy skies from time to time. If you read my mail you know Im off to Singapore tomorrow so Berlin and the Bunker have to wait for now….yorosiku!

  3. i really want to post a comment but i don't know what or how!
    maybe i just wanted to let you know that in some weird way i really feel you, feel a sort of connection. i have been reading your blog since 2010 or something, got here through conspriracy's blog (also on my bloglist ever since!) which i found when looking for a tattooist. later i actually got tattooed by eckel, it was august 2011. already then i thought you felt so nice, so i was a little disappointed when you guys weren't at the shop! someday i'll get a tattoo done by allan and even meet you 🙂
    so all in all i really like your blog and your photos and you seem like a wonderful person. hope you have a lovely weekend! cheers from finland (and sorry if this was too creepy!)

    1. Hi Nina,
      No, not creepy at all, i love getting comments, especially from long-time readers, so thank you!
      I'm sorry we weren't at work when you got tattooed by Eckel, but i promise that if you ever get tattooed by Allan, i'll be here 🙂

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