
Always home, always away

Posting Berlin pictures while in Denmark?
Sure, why not.
Why even try to make the sense.

So yeah, i’m in Denmark visiting my parents and my two favorite girls are here with me.
We arrived yesterday, had some delicious coffee in my old hood with my bestests friend, who has become a dad since i saw him last, and then hopped on a train to the country.
We’ve been going for long walks with my mom, and eating delicious food and cake.
Oh, and my parents got chickens! Yeah, i’m pretty stoked about that.
Tomorrow we’re going back to Copenhagen for a few days of sightseeing and catching up with buddies. And possibly a cocktail or two. Or three.
I’ll be telling you more about those adventures when i’m back in Berlin, cause apparently that’s how this works!

Anyway, it’s been a while since i came back from Japan, and i’m happy to say that the travel blues are gone, and i’m back to loving my city.
Not that i ever didn’t love it, i was just really, really homesick for Tokyo for a while.
But being busy with work, friends and going dancing has pretty much cured me… at least for now.

So, here’s some complete randomness from the last month and a half.
Like, these are not even remotely in order.
But you’re all used to that, right?

Coffee and sneaker shopping date with Taylor in Kreuzberg

My favorite sign, right by Bergmannstrasse

Five elephant

Obviously me and Wendy were very excited about this particular purchase

Lucifer in a pile of cherry blossoms, because cuuute!

Bülowstraße selfies

We’re pretty much the best at Berlin photo booths, except when we’re not

Ramen burgers!! Best day ever?

That time we asked Gonzalo to take a picture with all three of us in it

Best matcha soy latte in town

Before we went to a club and got more wasted than a couple of 16 year olds… it’s possible we’re banned for life at this one club, but we’re too scared to go back and check

Victoria Park looking magical

Mille came to visit for a few days!

We all went to Jessica’s Wes Anderson themed birthday party… what kind of bird am i?

Wendy and Mille looked amazing

Tay as Suzie

Jess as Margot

Hanging in the park with Beatrix

Coffee at The Barn

Best friends at Mi Onda

Walking to yoga

And, well, more coffee… ahem…

Taken on Lucifer’s 10th birthday
Later that night, we had burgers (the dogs too, of course) and watched the Eurovision… the scarf was a present from Jess

Dinner date with Wendy last week at one of our favorite spots

It was a hot day on Sunday, and Lucifer was completely pooped on the way home on the ubahn

That latte again… this time with caramel

New favorite spot

Biking around in short shorts

Another coffee date

I love this place soooo much… all the foods…

I dropped my favorite sunglasses, so i guess i have to start wearing these now?


Wendy joined me for a paint night 

The best

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