
Shhh, it’s a secret

So, words, huh?
I believe i promised you words.
Well, i just got my pictures from Berlin back, so there’ll be pictures too, even though my current (but not future) photo-guy ruined a bunch of them. Yeah, bummer.

So i think i’m just gonna come right out and say it… say that thing, you know, the thing that’s been bothering me? That stuff  i haven’t been able to share here?
Here goes!
As i mentioned in this post, we went to Berlin last week, so Allan could tattoo our friend Sarah, and that’s all true, and he did, but wasn’t the only reason.
We also went there to look at apartments.
Yes, that pretty much means exactly what it sounds like. We’re moving to Berlin!

The reasons i couldn’t talk about this are numerous, and i’m not even sure i should be saying it now, but hey, that just happened!
One of the main reasons is of course our shop. Then there was breaking the news to our families and friends before it hit the internet, and of course we also wanted to be 100% sure. And we are now.
We started talking about this move way back in April, so we’ve been planning it for a while already, and it’s been tough not venting about the ups and downs here, but i’m glad i can finally share this with my readers.
I’ll be telling you way more about the what’s and when’s and how’s later, but for now, this is what i’m comfortable sharing.

Here are some Berlin pictures… mostly of baggage and balcony’s, for some reason!
Mostly taken around Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain with my Canon AE-1 and a Kodak Portra 160 film (whaaaat? I remembered!)



Aahhh, that was scary, actually!
Not because i’m worried about moving, cause i think i’m way past that point, but because it’s been a secret for so long and i still feel like i’m not allowed to say anything!
But we have to eventually, right? We can’t just move and yell “surprise!” afterwards.
Oh well… you heard it here first!

30 thoughts on “Shhh, it’s a secret”

  1. Woawsiesesesss, that is some big news!!! well congrats on it, i love Berlin, so i am sure i will come visit!! Hope everyting goes smooth!

  2. Well that will teach me for not reading blogs promtly and keeping up with my internet news!!! OMG that's so exciting for you guys!! Congratulations! Berlin, what an awesome choice! Berlin was actually one of our favourite cities in Europe (and we spent 3 months traveling around). Siked for you guys! xxoo

  3. Ah, that's perfect! And i guess it won't hurt that Berlin is WAY cheaper than Copenhagen, huh? I know i'm looking forward to that!

  4. My Bro (my real one ^^ ) lives in Kreuzberg x Berlin so, dudes, you can totally move to Berlin, it's not gonna bother me too much, quite the contrary 🙂 See you in London, check us out, we're totally worldwide dudes 🙂

  5. i've never been to berlin, but i hear it's beautiful…and your photos definitely prove that! best of luck with the planning and the move!!

  6. Paint night could totally happen! Flights really are cheap and the areas we're looking at are real easy to get to from the airport.

  7. Copenhagen is great to visit, i think, but Berlin will be a much more interesting place to live. I haven't even seen a fraction of it yet!

  8. WoW,sounds good ! Would be nice to visit you guys in Berlin ! We are from Rostock whitch is on the coast and only 220 km away !
    Let me know when it will happend and whitch place you will stay !

  9. That's great news. We went to both Berlin and Copenhagen and Berlin is so much cheaper! And so much to see! Although for me there was heaps to see in Copenhagen as well.

  10. wowza! that's such exciting news; i've only heard super things about Berlin too (it's on my to do list) and it's cheap to live, or so i've heard. Also the flights are cheap so i'm thinking real life sunday night painting one day, haha! I'm so happy for you both and can't wait to hear all about your future plans 🙂 Glückwünsche!

  11. I'm not too crazy about Scandinavia myself, haha!
    And i'd move to Tokyo in a heartbeat if it was possible… so Berlin will have to be the next best thing!

  12. Niiiiice. That is great new actually. Now I have a huge reason to go back there, used to live (squat) at a friends on place on Linien Strasse 41/42 between merchant marine gigs and backpacking back in the days. Fucking LOVE Berlin…Scandinavia not so much to be honest. First Berlin then Tokyo right…? Best of luck with the move and stay sharp!

  13. Wow amazing news! How exciting! I'm sure everything will turn out perfect for you. Will you be joining Sarah? Either way it's gonna work out great. I hope your family took the news well. Anyway congratulations and good luck :0)

  14. Thanks, i'm glad you like that! And you better come visit, it'd be so much fun. We'll be tourists together!

  15. I've always wanted to live not here, so i'm pretty stoked! And you'll be more than welcome to visit, of course. We're hoping for a place with a guest room 🙂

  16. Whoaaaahhh amazing! I've only heard good things about Berlin! Congratulations!!! 🙂 A change can only do you guys good. Fresh starts and all that.

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