
Lovely, lovely Kreuzberg

Yesterday was my birthday, so of course i woke up at 7.30 feeling like i was dying.
I was sick on Monday too, so i’m starting to wonder if it’s an every-other-day thing with me?
I’ll never understand my body.
Allan made a great birthday breakfast that i struggled to keep down, but for some reason, probably the company, i ended up having a great day anyway.
During breakfast, i got some great presents (insta-pics of those coming up in another post) and after we’d eaten, we camped out on the couch and watched Enterprise in the sunny living room.
Around 1.30 we took Jean-Luc to Nørrebro to pick up a birthday present i’d gotten for myself, and after some coffee and hanging out at the café, we went straight back to couching it until my parents came over for dinner.
A super relaxing birthday with lots of nausea, made special and fun by my incredible husband and ridiculously cute dog.

Today i’m feeling better, but still a little nauseous and shaky.
And of course i woke up super early again too.
Yeah, being sick is no fun… anyway, Berlin picture time!

It’s no secret that we spent the better part of our trip in Sarah’s hood.
And what a lovely hood that was!
Big trees, cute shops, canals, nice people, lots of dogs, and i swear, all the café’s had decaf. All of them! I drank a lot of coffee that weekend…

These are some of my favorite pictures from our trip.

Damn right, nein danke

Cute Berliner bike

This one is for Sandra… do we even have an untagged Huskmitnavn this big in Copenhagen?

East and west

Decaf at home… best in town!

Allan made this for Sarah

Cute bookstore

And their quite impressive display

Bestest hostess looking super cute as always!

I don’t think so…


Nein danke to that one too? You bet!

Berlin buildings are just plain awesome (and so was the Berlin sun)

I think Chris and Sophie were giving us a sightseeing tour here, before we were off to Mitte

Squeakers, the male model

Germans watching a football game

Trees, flowers, everywhere

 Last one, for now, but we’ll be back

Damn. Copenhagen seems just a little less magical right now…

Ps. Allan blogged about our trip too over on his photo blog, so please check that out too!

11 thoughts on “Lovely, lovely Kreuzberg”

  1. Jaa, dobbelt comments er dobbelt så godt! Jeg er alvorligt bange for at selv hvis vi fik en, ville den ikke få lov at blive længe. Hvis man er så heldig at tjene penge på sin kunst, så har man jo solgt ud, og det skulle der nok være mange der havde ondt i røven over. Men jeg gad godt at vi i det mindste prøvede!

  2. Åh, bliver altså nødt til at kaste et hjerte efter den post herinde også! Hvorfor har vi ingen Huskmitnavn gavl i København? Det er som om gadekunsten er gået i hi her, måske blev det for meget allemandseje? Må bare til Berlin med lynets hast. Supersnart.

  3. Happy birthday! I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling good 🙁 I suffer with nausea a lot and find the most amazing relief come from a mug of hot water with a large slice of fresh ginger in it. And some rest. I hope it can help you xxx

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