
Around the Mitte

I’m a little beat today.
For almost a week now, i’ve been waking up around 7, unable to sleep for several hours. So weird. And we had our witch event at the shop last night. I don’t need to tell you that it ended pretty late, do i?

We’ve had an insanely mellow Sunday.
Both due to the fact that we were tired, but also because it’s been raining constantly the whole day.
Still is.
I hate, hate, hate rain. Even when i don’t have to leave the house.

Tomorrow, or technically today i suppose, is my sweet husbands birthday, so i’m hoping for better weather, even if our plans for the day basically consist of nothing but eating cake.
If you wanna wish my handsome man a happy birthday, his blog is right over here. And here!

Here are some pictures from Berlin.
The weather was great that weekend.
Much better than the forecast (which i checked every 5 minutes during the week leading up to our visit) had led us to believe.
I liked Berlin, but i think i could love it.


Nice book market… too hot to look at books though

More pretty buildings

Sunday flea market time

If only…

I really, really liked these

Last night at the shop, this couple knocked on the door to tell me how great they thought the shop looked, and how inviting it always seemed. And then the lady complimented my new plant box, the one i got from my parents, and planted and put outside the other day!
It was so nice, cause their reaction was exactly what i’m always going for whenever i’m prettying up the shop, but few people ever bother to give me any feedback in real life.
I was really happy that these two did. 
I told her she could just come by and pick up fresh herbs anytime, but she said “no, no, that’s fine” like i hadn’t meant it. I guess people either have their own supply, or they think i’m kidding when i offer to share!
Oh, and the drunken party of five who’d been partying at the brewery down the street, and saw our “open” sign really late liked the shop too.
I normally can’t wait to kick out drunk people, but it was an open house, after all, and they were pretty nice!

7 thoughts on “Around the Mitte”

  1.  Yeah, it almost never happens here, and i think the only reason they had the courage to do it, was because they were a little tipsy! I wish people would do it more often, it feels so good to know that people notice. Made my day for sure!

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