

It’s no secret that getting back from Japan and easing into everyday life is always hard, but some trips are harder to come back from than others.
So i’ve been sad.
Not depressed or anything, just sad, and i haven’t really been able to get back into normal life, and work and everything that comes with it.
This trip changed something inside me, and it can be hard when reality doesn’t follow, if that makes any sense.
And i’ve been sick, of course, and still am, so there’s that…

But this weekend actually cheered me up.
Cancer Bats were in town and ended up staying at our place for two days, and it turns out that a visit from friends was just what we needed!
We had such a fun weekend, even though i had to stay home from their show cause of the throat thing, and so chill, above all else.
Brunch was eaten, lots of ice cream too, and we went to the movies (Avengers, so good!) and had movie night on the couch too.
You’d think that having, like, 5 house guests crashing on your floor would be stressful, but it really was the easiest. And Lucifer loved all the attention, of course!
So the solution to post-travel blues is possibly visitors. Preferably many of them. Free tip right there. You’re welcome.

I have to go to work tomorrow and actually do work, so wish me luck with that. I’m gonna need it.

Here are some pictures from an afternoon in Tokyo while Jacob was there. We didn’t know exactly what to do, so we went to Inokashira Koen. Because, as it turns out, Jacob likes parks too.

In Nakano, outside the camera shop, getting photobombed in the best way

Cute dog, not a big fan of waiting

Not sure when i took this… maybe at Freshness Burger?

At the park where there were tons of people, as usual

Shiba buddy!

Other side of the lake
The same read-aloud-comic-book-guy Allan and Jacob had encountered in Shimokitazawa a few days earlier… he was as good as they’d described!

I snapped this from Stan’s instagram… me and my dudes, falling asleep while the rest of the gang watched Captain America*

*To anyone who might be wondering, this is my actual life, like, 89% of the time… oh, and i wasn’t asleep at 7 pm, that’s just when it was posted!

11 thoughts on “Inokashira”

  1.  Yeah, i love the bath salts and i use them when i'm there, but i don't have a tub in Denmark, so they're no good to me here, sadly!

  2. It's always sad to go to a place you love so much and then leave and re-enter your reality.  But to me it's always a bit comforting as well.  I am glad you had such an awesome trip!!  

  3. I love those swan boats! looks like there were lots out when you went, swan soup. not a bad turning circle on those bad boys but sans leg room! Beautiful shots, hope you feel better soon, maybe you need one of those japanese bath salts. did you see them? there is one in every scent! i can't read japanese so i just take a punt, i got one with pictures of ginger, a lady shivering then not, and a cabbage. beautiful, makes everything smell like cloves

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