
Fukuyama and Kurashiki, 22/4 2012 (or: “is anybody still reading this?”)

I’m not sure if people still even visit this part of the internet, but in case they do; hi, i’m back!
Sort of…

We got back to Tokyo on Tuesday, but i haven’t had many seconds to myself since then, and i certainly haven’t had the opportunity to spend any of them on blogging.
We’ve been moving for Ink Rat, we’ve been studying Japanese and we currently have our first ever Tokyo visitor, and house guest, so obviously we’re pretty excited about showing him all of our favorite Tokyo things, places and foods.

Even now, i’m wondering if i should be spending the rest of this rare night home alone* on blogging, or if i should maybe be painting or doing more homework?

But while i may lack the time to post here, i’m most definitely not lacking material.
I came back from our trip with four rolls of film, that i am now trying to turn into a more blog friendly number of pictures, so i don’t find myself posting pictures of Miayajima and Izumi’s baby for the next two months!
Yeah, and i have Tokyo pictures and iPhone pictures too… i better get this started!

We left for Fukuyama a week ago.
Not by Nozomi this time, but with regular, old railpass friendly Hikari. It may not be as fast, but it got us there, and while i wouldn’t say i enjoy any form of transportation that isn’t my bike, the Shinkansen is one of the better ones.

Izumi made us delicious dinner when we arrived, and we stayed up late catching up.
Oh, and princess Akari definitely did not recognize us at first, and it took a good hour of crying before she accepted our presence! I’m sure glad we didn’t get that welcome the first time.

The next day, the day we’d wanted to spend on Sensuijima, it rained, so our hosts suggested we visited the Bikan Historical Quarter in Kurashiki, kind of a mini arts and crafts version of Kyoto, instead. So that’s what we did.
We shopped for handmade souvenirs, ate udon, took lots of pictures and ended up at an outlet mall where i bought nothing and Allan bought shoes. 
Before getting back on the train to Fukuyama, we picked up food and donuts to take home with us, and ended up having quite the feat back at the house.

The next morning we had to catch a Shinkansen, a local train and a ferry, so we went to bed early.
Oh, and of course the weather was great the next day. Ain’t that just typical?**

Leaving Tokyo with my tea and eki-ben

From Sunday? Yeah, cause it was dark when we arrived Saturday… ok, carry on
 Travel agency
 Izu’s feet
Sleeping princess

Less graceful, perhaps, but still so damn cute
 Kurashiki shiba
 This one was a sad puppy with no one to play with
 I buy impractical things in the beginning of trips
Izumi’s childhood memories
Rain proofing

Udon restaurant

Mini Kyoto isn’t too far off
Tourists being tourists (what? Everyone else was doing it!)
Bridge detail
A moment with no rain
Mizuki and Akari
Allan and all his photo gear
Cat themed shop that i was almost about to shop at, when the discovery of live cats on display made me decide against giving them my money…
At the mall
 Guest room with a view
Heavy travel companion (so worth the sore shoulders, though)
Sad princess… maybe because we were leaving?

Ok, that’s the end of part one!
As usual, i used my precious Canon AE-1 and a ton of different films, so i won’t even try to remember which ones were used when. And also as usual, no editing besides the necessary resizing!

Still coming up; at least two posts from an action packed day on Miyajima, an afternoon in Hiroshima and whatever we’ve been up to since returning to Tokyo!

*The guys are at a show, and i’ve been so excited about being home alone, but i already wasted a good hour of my night napping. Apparently i was really tired.

**Having just woken up from a nap does not make for great writing, so i can only hope some of this made sense. If not, i’ll try to make up for it in the next post!

17 thoughts on “Fukuyama and Kurashiki, 22/4 2012 (or: “is anybody still reading this?”)”

  1. I'm still reading although about 2 days after everyone else (always late to the party)!   Miyajima looks so much fun (even with the terrifying ropeway), shame about the Tori but that gives you an excuse to go again.  

    I'm really enjoying your Japan posts, keep em coming!!

  2. Thanks!! I borrowed a copy from a friend when we got here, and when it was time to go on our trip, i was so into it, i couldn't leave it for a weekend!

  3.  Thanks! Yeah, i didn't even bring my digital camera on this trip, just the Canon and my iPhone! Nothing scary about Japan (besides recent obvious scary things), at least i've never thought there was.

  4.  No, it's one of the English covers, Not the one i have though, i borrowed this from a friend here cause mine was too heavy to travel with. Ha. It's even funnier reading this here, cause i live in the same neighborhood as the main characters!

  5. WHAT these are film photos??? I thought they were digital. Holy moly. I really like that view out the window picture. Japan looks so great. I have always felt like I'd be too scared to go there for some reason? 

  6. Is that danish 1Q84? Great cover. Prob the best I've seen so far. Japanese author in Japan. Whenin Rome 🙂

  7. I'm still here! Just been sleepily reading on my phone lately!

    Akari is just too cute! Can't wait to see Allan's pictures too 🙂

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