
Around town

These are from a Sunday three or four week ago, i think?
Me and Allan went to work to develop pictures in our lab, but took a detour through the city to buy a pizza slice at our favorite pizza place, and to let Lucifer run through his favorite park near the old shop.

I just got some pictures new back from the photo shop, so the next post may be an analog one as well!

Pretty lady in Ørstedsparken
Spring signs on a chilly day
My feet going “weeee” in front of Allan’s bike
The boys getting swallowed by a sunbeam
Thigh high leg warmers are good for storing iPhones!

I’ve reached the point where i’m now looking forward to Monday and doing absolutely nothing, more than i’m looking forward to the art show on Saturday.
That may be fucked up, but i am tired, and my fingers are so raw, typing this hurts.

I’m just gonna say “have a nice weekend” now, cause i doubt there’ll be a chance to blog while we’re in Germany.
If you’re anywhere near Oberhausen (wherever that is) come see us!

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